Leading Edge Series II
Leading Edge Part II will be offered at 2 pm and 7:30 pm Eastern time on Wednesdays starting July 15, 2020.
Small groups interested in studying together are welcome,
please let me your desired time. Minimum 3 people.
Small groups interested in studying together are welcome,
please let me your desired time. Minimum 3 people.

The Leading Edge is about identifying our earliest patterns from preconception, conception, our prenatal development, birth and after birth. It includes attachment and bonding. Leading Edge Part One was about learning the different states our bodies create in response to connection, stress and threat. We identified implicit memories and began to identify patterns in each of our distinct layers of experience. Our earliest experiences are the foundation of our human life. We can liken them to a tree, with the roots as our earliest experience, and the soil our preconception, generational experience. As in this image:
When identifying our layers of experience, I use a basic concentric ring image to work with the implicit memories from our Ancestor, Conception, Prenatal Period, Birth and After Birth.
Each of the Leading Edge classes after Series One will explore patterns from each of these layers. There are many. And each experience will include a Blueprint exploration at the beginning of the series. We need to establish a stable, resourced place especially when working with earliest experiences. This Series Two will explore:
Prerequisites, any ONE of these is needed:
Verbal Skills and Facilitation of the Felt Sense are a must, along with knowing how to stabilize and be with survival states.
Classes are online and held in Zoom Technology. Powerpoint presentations with descriptions of exercises are provided.
Come. Study. Learn. Heal.
- Class One: Blueprint Information and Skills: 9 Positive Imprints and Early Adversity Resilience
- Class Two: Preconception Imprints: Angels, Ghosts and Echoes in the History, and the Coherent Narrative
- Class Three: Conception as Embodiment Practice, Coming Into Form and Intentional Space
- Class Four: Prenatal Imprints: The Four Crises of the Embryo
- Class Five: Birth Imprints: Repairing Interruptions in the Sequence
- Class Six: After Birth Imprints: The Holding Healing Story to Help Babies and Families
Prerequisites, any ONE of these is needed:
- Leading Edge Series One
- Somatic Experiencing Intermediate Year
- Blueprint Resonance of Anna Chitty
- Alchemical Alignment of Brigit Viksnins
- Somatic Resilience and Regulation of Kathy Kain and Stephen Terrell
Verbal Skills and Facilitation of the Felt Sense are a must, along with knowing how to stabilize and be with survival states.
Classes are online and held in Zoom Technology. Powerpoint presentations with descriptions of exercises are provided.
Come. Study. Learn. Heal.