Double Bind Study Group
For professionals who have studied prenatal and perinatal somatic health and intermediate Somatic Experiencing® practitioners
This is a combination of didactic and experiential work based on the initial training designed by Ray Castellino, DC (retired), RPP, RCST®. Castellino offers in-depth training in understanding implicit memories from the prenatal and perinatal time where the most difficult patterns can be described as "double binds." These patterns can feel like there is no good choice to make in life or in a situation. Each way that appears feels like something bad will happen, or it will hurt more than it will help. The person feeling this way often feels "stuck." Practitioners trained by the Ray Castellino method have a specific protocol they employ that helps the person feeling this way find a path forward. This small group will combine advanced methods from Somatic Experiencing® and Prenatal and Perinatal Therapies. Specific conditions and case studies will be presented and discussed. Professionals will be given skills to practice during the seminar and in their work.
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016
Fee: $75
Time: 8:30-12:30
Maximum number of participants: 8
Additional information: Somatic Experiencing® lays the groundwork for excellent skills when helping adults who have prenatal and perinatal imprints. We now know more clearly what these imprints are, how babies feel, how to help adults find their present self, resources and heal these early places. This seminar is the beginning of a study group that will explore early PPN imprints, and employ Somatic Experiencing® skills to help heal them. Those of us who have studied PPN for a long time often refer to ourselves as double bind practitioners. Come and learn the signature of double binds from the early period.
This experience is didactic and experiential. Please come prepared to participate in short dyadic explorations using the skills presented.
Powerpoint will be distributed before class.
To register, pay in full:
For more information, call Kate White, 434-996-2002, [email protected]
Contact in Silver Spring, MD: Brigit Viksnins, contact via text: 240-494-6723 or email: [email protected]
This is a combination of didactic and experiential work based on the initial training designed by Ray Castellino, DC (retired), RPP, RCST®. Castellino offers in-depth training in understanding implicit memories from the prenatal and perinatal time where the most difficult patterns can be described as "double binds." These patterns can feel like there is no good choice to make in life or in a situation. Each way that appears feels like something bad will happen, or it will hurt more than it will help. The person feeling this way often feels "stuck." Practitioners trained by the Ray Castellino method have a specific protocol they employ that helps the person feeling this way find a path forward. This small group will combine advanced methods from Somatic Experiencing® and Prenatal and Perinatal Therapies. Specific conditions and case studies will be presented and discussed. Professionals will be given skills to practice during the seminar and in their work.
Location: Silver Spring, MD
Date: Friday, December 9, 2016
Fee: $75
Time: 8:30-12:30
Maximum number of participants: 8
Additional information: Somatic Experiencing® lays the groundwork for excellent skills when helping adults who have prenatal and perinatal imprints. We now know more clearly what these imprints are, how babies feel, how to help adults find their present self, resources and heal these early places. This seminar is the beginning of a study group that will explore early PPN imprints, and employ Somatic Experiencing® skills to help heal them. Those of us who have studied PPN for a long time often refer to ourselves as double bind practitioners. Come and learn the signature of double binds from the early period.
This experience is didactic and experiential. Please come prepared to participate in short dyadic explorations using the skills presented.
Powerpoint will be distributed before class.
To register, pay in full:
For more information, call Kate White, 434-996-2002, [email protected]
Contact in Silver Spring, MD: Brigit Viksnins, contact via text: 240-494-6723 or email: [email protected]